Monday, July 19, 2010

We're off!

Welcome to our blog.

If you don’t know us; we are a family of four who have found ourselves, through a series of unforeseen circumstances, in the lucky position of being able to take six months out of real life to travel around Australia. Over those 6 months, we’ll use this blog to post pictures and stories of our travels. If you do know us, then you know all that already.

The plan is to travel in relatively quick time up to Cairns where our trip proper begins and then to spend 3 weeks or so driving around Cape York before turning west and hugging the Gulf of Carpentaria over to Katherine. From there we plan to visit Kakadu, Litchfield and Darwin before heading to Kununurra and the Gibb River road, fitting in a side trip to the Bungle Bungles if time and conditions permit.

The impending wet season will mean we need to be out of the Kimberly’s and in Broome by the end of October, so we will then take our time down the West coast, stopping wherever the mood takes us and moving on when we feel like it. We expect to be somewhere in South-West WA for Christmas before spending a leisurely month or two returning home along the south coast of WA, across the Nullarbor and one way or another through SA, VIC and NSW.

Well, that’s the plan, anyway...