Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grafton – Brisbane – Lake Monduran - Marlborough

Haven’t written for a few days as I buried the power supply for the lap-top in the deepest recesses of the trailer and it has taken this long to retrieve it and charge up.

The drive from Grafton to Brisbane was pretty uneventful. We stopped at the Macadamia Castle for lunch and a decent cup of coffee and, yes, macadamia nuts before rolling into Brisbane at Jules’ Brother and sister-in-law’s place (another couple of nights not having to put the tent up) at around 4.30 in the afternoon. We haven’t seen them for a long time and it was good to catch up and meet our new nephew for the first time.

Grafton to Brisbane: 341km’s

The big event on Thursday was a trip to Australia Zoo. The kids had a ball and we followed the kids around.

We left Brisbane on Friday morning and stopped at the nice little town of Eumundi for coffee (not bad). The town itself is well known for its crafts and markets. Thought about buying some discounted hemp clothing but settled for organic sausages instead. Lunch was at another little town called Tiaro. The main event of this stop was when Daniel got repeatedly swooped on by a magpie in the park. I think he may have developed a life-long fear of the things now – he has been eyeing anything with wings with great suspicion and avoiding walking near trees ever since...

Friday night we camped (yes, actually camped) at a dam called Lake Monduran (on the A1 north west of Bundaberg). A nice enough spot and the opportunity to do some fishing in the morning.

Brisbane to Lake Monduran: 369km’s

This morning (Saturday) due to an extended bout of catching no fish whatsoever in Lake Monduran, we didn't leave until 11am. We stopped for lunch at a rest stop at Mount Larcom (very passable cappuccino and homemade apple pies from ‘Big Mamma’s’ - try them if you get the chance). We needed to stop for supplies at Rockhampton, and this coupled with the late start meant that we did not make it to our planned destination for the day just north of Mackay. Instead, as the sun went down, we scrambled around to find a place to stay for the night. I am writing this from a rest stop out the back of the Caltex in Marlborough with nothing but a glass of red wine the rumble of the Bruce highway and the hum of refrigerated trucks to keep me company.

Passing through Rockhampton did mean that we also passed over the Tropic of Capricorn today, which in turn meant it was time to break out the shorts, T-shirts and of course the new Akubra!

Lake Monduran to Marlborough: 340km’s

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