Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sydney to Grafton

After a long cold week in Narrabeen, the sun came out to see us on our way North. It took nearly two hours to get packed up – not exactly a personal best – and so by the time we had done this and some last minute deliveries of stuff that we are not taking with us, we did not get underway until lunchtime.

Having topped up our iPods with practically our entire collection of CD’s in readiness for the trip, we left Sydney to the retro sounds of M People’s Moving On Up and The Very Best of The Who (plenty of air guitar and overly enthusiastic chorus singing from the back seat for Pinball Wizard). Our first stop is with Jules’ mum in Grafton for two nights. After only eight nights in a camper-trailer, the boys were already practically salivating at the sight of Nana’s TV.

The journey up here provided an opportunity to get a better feel for how the car handles when towing the trailer. It seems to like downhills better than uphills and we won’t be breaking any land speed records, but we have six months to get used to it and can just keep reminding ourselves that not being in any great hurry to get anywhere is part of the point of the trip...

Important Data:

Distance travelled: 614km’s

Hours on the road: 9.

“Are we there yet?”’s: a surprisingly low, 3.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am going to enjoy keeping up with the Rowe's :) Safe and happy travels and I'll be reading/watching. (btw - Bluetongues first match sans D, and it was a draw - good effort from the team, but you were all dearly missed. James was our beacon, Mia his right arm, Jai broke out his inner defender (a la Daniel) and Mia must have had at least three good shots on goal. And we're still waiting for Alex's first ever goal ;) ).
    Actual time and date of this post: 14 Aug 2010 9:44pm
